Year 2022 was Signal X. We introduced world-class artists, traditional and unique locations and new collaborations, a new Vršovice route and the largest gallery zone in the festival's history. Together we celebrated 10 years of light and we are definitely not stopping!

Ondřej Zunka & Zünc Studio (CZ) → PHOTOSYSTEM II
Kunsthalle Praha → Projection

Shohei Fujimoto (JAP) → intangible #form
St. Salvator Church → Laser installation

Maxim Velčovský (CZ) → The Physical Possibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
Mariánské Square → Installation

Pavla Beranová and Tereza Bartůňková (CZ) → Landscape of Levitation
Klementinum, Hlavní nádvoří → Installation

Jan Hladil (CZ) → QUADD
The National Theatre Piazzetta → Laser installation

FEL ČVUT (CZ) → Forum Robotum
Charles Square Campus of CTU → Interactive installation

Refik Anadol (TR) → Prague Dreams: A site-specific work of art born from the depths of urban data
CAMP (Center of Architecture and Metropolitan Planning) → Projection

Laterna magika (CZ) → LUNAtic
Kateřinská Garden → Performance

AV Extended (Jérémie Bellot, Josselin Fouché, Ena Eno) (FR) → Iris
Church of St. Ludmila → Videomapping

Ondřej Drahokoupil, Vítězslav Plavec a Filip Zeman (CZ) → Nezmar
Bezruč Gardens → Installation

Caitlind Brown & Wayne Garrett (CAN) → Cloud
Vršovice Chateau → Interactive installation

Collectif Scale (FR) → Flux
Herold Gardens → Installation

TABULA RASA and Jonáš Garaj (CZ) → TEEPEE
Vzlet → Installation

László Zsolt Bordos (HU) → Creaturae
St. Wenceslas Church → Projection

Julie Dítětová (CZ) → Programming Patterns (NEON Award)
Klementinum, Studentské nádvoří → Projection