The theme of the year 2021 was Plan C. Through their installations and video mappings, the artists focus on ecology, sustainable development and man's relationship with planet Earth. They also look back at the pandemic in which they find opportunities to be better human beings.

Onionlab (ES) → Superar
The Industrial Palace Výstaviště Praha → 3D projection

Kateřina Blahutová (CZ) → Living forest
Stromovka → Installation

Planetum x Signal Production: Daniel Červenka, Marek Šilpoch, Pavel Karafiát, Martin Fuchs, Trauma & Errol Vitro (CZ) → Radical Compromise
Observatory and Planetarium of the capital city Prague → 360° dome projection

Jiří Černický (CZ) → Archaic Topicalities
The Karlin Barracks → Projection and levitating object

Weltraumgrafik (DE) → The Wind
Church of Ss. Cyril and Methodius → Videomapping

Vrtiška & Žák (CZ) → Blooming of Light
Kooperativa headquarters → Installation

Quiet Ensemble (IT) → Unshaped
Hauch Gallery → Installation

Milena Dopitová (CZ) → Jeff
Vodní elektrárna Štvanice → Installation

Joanie Lemercier (FR) → View from the Moon
Ve Stínadlech → Projection

Accurat (IT) → The Room of Change
The Old Town Square → Projection

Martin Marek (CZ) → You, Too, Are in Denial of Climate Change!
Klementinum → Sound installation

Lucie Kramperová (CZ) → Reality Check
Klementinum → Projection

Klára Míčková (CZ) → BirdScape
Klementinum → Projection

Šimon Mašek, Josef Schmidt (CZ) → Permafrost
Klementinum → Installation