The theme of Signal 2019 was a revolution. A revision of the past. A reformation of a cowardly consensus. A revolution of the everyday and of fearful timidity.

Dreamlaser (RU) → a.r.r.c
→ Installation

Signal Cinema

Signal Walks

Signal Transmit

Signal Kids

SKILZ studio (UA) → R•Evolution
→ 3D projection

Big Light (CZ) → I’m Leaving the Body
→ Installation

Parker Heyl (US) → Jacob’s Wall
→ Installation

ILLO (IT) → Ottantanove
→ Videomapping

Pavel Korbička (CZ) → God’s Mills
→ Installation

Nohlab (TR) → Space & Possibilities
→ Videomapping

Signal Production & Post Bellum (CZ) → Trabi
→ Installation

Klára Horáčková (CZ) → Ghost in the Machine
→ Projection / installation

Oficina (CZ) → The Wall
→ Projection

Adam Cigler & Petr Vacek (CZ) → Reflexion
→ Installation

Tereza Bartůňková, Štěpán Hejzlar, Oliver Torr, Ondřej Merta (CZ) → Signal Soundscape: Inner Land Study I.

fuse* (IT) → Multiverse .pan
→ Projection / installation

Eva Jiřičná (AI-DESIGN) (CZ) → And what if it was true
→ Installation

Andrej Boleslavský (SK) → Simbio
→ Projection

Giegling (DE) → 10^100
→ Installation

Memo Akten (TR) → Simple Harmonic Motion for Lights at the Czech Museum of Music
→ Installation