Filip Hodas (CZ) → Eternal Recurrence

  • 2 Hradčany
  • Videomapping

About project

Created specifically for the monumental architecture of the Archbishop’s Palace, the video mapping Eternal Recurrence is a digital saga of the origin and evolution of life forms. The projection first takes the viewer through the environment of the primary molecular stages of a chaotic beginning, from which larger organic structures gradually take shape. Subsequently, it is also possible to recognize the regularities of the principle of differential growth as a natural algorithm that generates increasingly complex stages of life, its vegetative and biological forms. The dynamics of exponential growth is constantly increasing. Evolution reaches its peak and moves towards the inevitable moment of its own collapse, which consists in returning to the starting point – the singularity. Metaphorically, the work raises the surprising question of how our cultural notions of the linearity of time are paradoxically related to the cyclical nature of natural processes. A question that is one of the key themes of all great philosophical and spiritual concepts. The music and sound design of the video was created by Pavel Ridoško aka Rido.


Filip Hodas's work treads the line between reality and fiction, using computer modelling techniques to create highly sophisticated works. He explores themes of pop culture, digital media, the internet, futurism and consumerism, often with a melancholic undertone. His artwork has attracted hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide and led to collaborations with many international brands including Adidas, Coca-Cola and Samsung, as well as artists such as Jean-Michel Jarre and Anyma. Several of Filip's realisations have gone viral in the online space, appearing on the front pages of websites and social networks, as well as in numerous art books and magazines. His work has been exhibited in galleries in Paris, at the Tate Modern in London  as part of an exhibition organized by Instagram, and in public spaces such as Times Square and Oxford Street. In March 2023, his work "Never-ending Cycle" was part of an auction at Sotheby's.

Pavel Ridoško, also known as Rido, is one of the most active and successful drum and bass producers and DJs in the Czech Republic. In addition to electronic music, he also composes and records film music. He has worked on projects such as Westworld, Milada, Red Tails, On the Roof and others. He co-wrote the music for the play Élektra, nominated for the 2018 Theatre Critic Award. He is involved in the opening show of the Let It Roll festival and is currently finishing the music with Aleš Březina for the new film by director Marek Najbrt.


The late-Baroque Archbishop's Palace takes on new dimensions and stories thanks to layered video mapping. Filip Hodas's projection highlights the various architectural elements of this magnificent 16th-century mansion, which has undergone several reconstructions in the past - including by the architect Jan Baptista Mathey, a predecessor of Santini. The three-storey Baroque building, with its Rococo façade, is thus being brought back to life after centuries of neglect.

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