Quayola (IT) → Effets de Soir

  • 14 City center
  • Projection

About project

The video series Effets de Soir continues the artists’ ongoing focus on nature, pictorial traditions and new technological apparatuses. The title references the natural phenomena visible at dusk and dawn, when lights and shadows, warm and cold tones, fade into one another – an impression many artists, from Monet to Van Gogh, have attempted to transpose on canvas. Quayola engages with this heritage by combining natural and artificial stimuli, presenting his own Effets de soir. At the core of Effets de Soir are ultra-high-resolution photographs of flowers from the lush gardens of Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire, a 10th-century French Castle, shot at night under artificial

spotlights. The captured botanical compositions become raw data for Quayola’s computational paintings, audio-visual scores that experiment with different evolving compositions and rhythms. The artist offers hybrid visions of the natural

world, through software specially programmed to analyze and re-synthesize its components, approaching a new form of algorithmic Impressionism.


Quayola employs technology as a lens to explore the tensions and equilibriums between seemingly opposing forces: the real and artificial, figurative and abstract, old and new. Constructing immersive installations, he engages with and re-imagines canonical imagery through contemporary technology. Landscape painting, classical sculpture and iconography are some of the historical aesthetics that serve as a point of departure for Quayola’s hybrid compositions. 

His work has been performed and exhibited in many prestigious institutions worldwide including V&A Museum, London; Park Avenue Armory, New York; National Art Center, Tokyo; UCCA, Beijing; How Art Museum, Shanghai; SeMA, Seoul; Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Ars Electronica, Linz; Sonar Festival, Barcelona and Sundance Film Festival. In 2013, Quayola was awarded the Golden Nica at Ars Electronica. 


CAMP is a multimedia gallery focusing on the future of cities. Its main mission is to improve the public debate on the development of Prague and to bring the topic of architecture to the general public. CAMP organises a rich programme of public discussions, presentations by national and international experts, workshops, screenings, exhibitions and other activities for children and adults. CAMP is part of the Institute for Planning and Development of the City of Prague, the main conceptual workplace of the City of Prague. In addition to a café, a bookshop and a lecture hall, it houses a maximalist projection area that allows you to immerse yourself in the multi-channel projection of Effets De Soir, full of ambivalent transformations.

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