About project
The ORB installation is inspired by Egypt’s historical heritage. The object was created in 2022 as part of the major exhibition “Forever Is Now II”, organized by Culturvator Art D’Égypte in collaboration with UNESCO and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Its first presentation took place in the area of the Giza Pyramids. The shapes and materials of the object are based on elements of mathematics and symbolism present in classical Egyptian culture and in the pyramids in particular. Its proportions refer to the number “pi” hidden in the geometry of the pyramids, which is the result of dividing the circumference of the pyramid by twice its height. The sphere is an invisible part of this geometry, because if it had the same radius as the pyramid, its circumference would be almost identical to that of the pyramid. The surface of the work reflects its surroundings, the architecture, the sky and the audience in a multiply fragmented reflection. It refers to the role of the circular mirror in ancient Egyptian symbolism, where it was associated with the sun and conveyed ideas of creation and rebirth.