Guillaume Marmin (FR) → Rococo

7pm - 12am

About project

Gallery zone 

Tickets are available online and at all 5 locations of the Gallery Zone (Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, Clam-Gallas Palace, Mirror Chapel of Klementinum, Hauch Gallery, Bar/ák) from 7pm till midnight during all festival days.

Project Rococo conforms the unique architecture of the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace. The artist has described it as an immersive set design installation comprising 124 customized projectors developed by the artist himself. The French composer Philippe Gordiani composed the supporting music exclusively for this occasion.

Darkness in the room is distorted by light rays hypnotically portraying geometric shapes. With their help, the artist has transformed space into a living being. Supporting music accompanies minimalism of the installation which with interconnection with light evokes the impression of movement in the spectators founding themselves in the constantly changing space.

Concept and design: Guillaume Marmin

Music: Philippe Gordiani

Technical management: Mael Pinard


His artwork, connected from the beginning to the music scene and performing arts, is part of a revival of the visual creation by overcoming traditional forms of storytelling and traditional performing media. In his artwork, Guillaume Marmin seeks common language of the image and sound, and that is why he searches innovative forms of artistic expression such as videomapping on the buildings and statues. He frequently cooperates with architects, musicians as well as light designers on his immersive projects.

Supported by

  • GHMP